Friday, May 6, 2011

Fence Unveiling - Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 3 p.m.

Phase I of the restoration of the cemetery's fence is complete.  The steel and limestone fence, which was built in 1928, had deteriorated so badly that, in 2008, the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota designated the cemetery one of Minnesota's Ten Most Endangered Sites.  Fundraising began in earnest in August 2009.  Grants from the state and city have been critical in getting this restoration project under way.  Neighborhood residents, local businesses, and family members of those buried in the cemetery have played an important role in letting funders know that the cemetery is valued by the community at large.  Many organizations, including a number of veterans and civic groups have been generous donors, as well.

These two photos are a sneak preview of the difference that all of those grants and gifts have made:

The fence is 1,853 long and contains 3,510 steel pickets.  If you would like to adopt a picket for $30.00, you can make your donation at or by mail at Friends of the Cemetery, P. O. Box 7345, Minneapolis, MN  55407.  So far, 554 pickets have been adopted.  Friends of the Cemetery has 501C-3, tax exempt status, so all gifts are tax deductible.

Join us on Tuesday, May 17th, at 3 p.m. for the Grand Unveiling of the cemetery's newly-restored gates.  Council Member Gary Schiff; Chad Larsen, Chair of the Heritage Preservation Commission; Joyce Wisdom, Executive Director of the Lake Street Council; Britta Bloomberg, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer; and Winnie Layman Fernstrom, great-granddaughter of the cemetery's original owners, will be on hand for the celebration.  And, there'll be cake from the Salty Tart.


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